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Instacalc makes number crunching effortless.

  • Solve "back of the envelope" calculations with natural language
  • Use currency, unit and date/time conversions
  • Share/embed live calculator links (no login!)
  • Stress test formulas and easily see the data flow
  • Whip together quick budgets, sales estimates, video game calculators


Core features

Instant resultsResults as you type. Click to hide a calculation.
ArithmeticUse math symbols (+ - * /) or words (3 x 5 or 3 times 5)
Natural languageWrite numbers as you'd say them: 6.6 billion 5M 250k
Shared linksGet a permalink (like in one click
EmbedsGet an embed code for your website:
<iframe src="" width="450" height="350" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Instacalc should feel like a magic, mind-reading calculator. See the reference for advanced features (programming, units, etc.).